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That’s the number of hits this blog earned as of this posting. That’s also the year that man becomes immortal according to Raymond Kurzweil.

Speaking of immortality, I just watched Wrath of the Titans. I’m a fanatic of Greek mythology so this movie break is really a treat for me. I enjoyed it (I particularly like Agenor’s character), much as I enjoyed Clash of the Titans a couple of years back. But I couldn’t fathom the idea that the two great gods, Zeus and Poseidon, died. What the heck? I guess I’ll have to wait for their revival next year with the second installment of half-blood Percy Jackson movie.

I haven’t read any of Rick Riordan’s novels but I think I’m gonna start reading it in preparation for the Sea of Monsters. After all, I need to move on from the memories of another half-blood, Harry Potter. My eldest child, who is now 10-year old, might also find reading Riordan’s books interesting, especially now that he’s also into Greek gods and goddesses.

The gods could be smiling down on us now with the epic fail of North Korea’s rocket launch. Kim Jong-un is proving himself to be a pyscho, just like his father. Barely four months after Kim Jong-il died, he pulls off an intercontinental ballistic missile test and horrified South Korea, Japan, US and the rest of the sane world for days. Only to find out that everybody was in for a comedy show. There goes the money that could have quenched the hunger of many North Koreans.

I haven’t watched The Hunger Games yet, but for all its hype, I am not really interested. I have yet to know if there’s any soundness in American Idol finalist Heejun Han’s comparison of the contest with the movie but I can only take in one intense competition at a time.

Just like last week in American Idol. Imagine American voters booting out Jessica Sanchez from the six finalists! I don’t understand it because in almost every online poll I come across, the girl is always the frontrunner. Could it be that there are more female teenyboppers voters who go for looks i.e. Colton Dixon and Phil Phillipis (but don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with PP) than voice potential? It’s crazy, as aptly described by JLo.

Last week was also crazy in the office. It was mad crazy on Tuesday, felt crazy good on Wednesday, and mad crazy again on Thursday and Friday. I’m beginning to get the impression that the office has really gone to the dogs. I felt bad until I went home Friday night when I saw Idiotsyncrasy reached 2,045 hits. Not bad at all.